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KAFHS generally has four meetings each year:

Annual Convention, held in January. The convention allows dozens of fairs and hundreds of delegates to meet for a variety of planning meetings, seminars and informative sessions. The convention also includes a well-attended trade show, an entertainment Showcase of Talent and the annual crowning of Miss Kentucky County Fair.

Spring Meeting is as much a "social" gathering as a business meeting. We generally meet near the president's hometown, following up on "loose ends" from the convention and socializing with our "fair friends".

State Fair Board Meeting is held the day before the opening of the Kentucky State Fair. It's mostly a planning session as our board of directors and several committees begin finalizing plans for the October and January meetings.

Fall Meeting in mid-October is highlighted by the crowning of our Miss Teen Kentucky County Fair and our Miss Pre-Teen Kentucky County Fair. Of course, there are several committees finalizing plans for the annual convention.
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