Best Catalog

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Best Catalog

Judging Criteria

  1. Type of Catalog
    1. Glossy - Slick Finish
    2. Newspaper Print
  2. Appearance
    1. Front Cover Artwork
    2. Neatness of Advertisements
    3. Consistency in Headings and Type Size
  3. Organization
    1. Index Included for Events/Exhibits and Ads
    2. Divisions, Lots, Classes, etc., Clearly Marked
    3. Departments Unbroken by Ads, etc.
    4. Activities, Departments, and Rules in Logical Order
  4. Information
    1. Schedule of Events Included
    2. General Rules and Regulations Included
    3. Complete Health Regulations Included
    4. List of Fair Officials Included

1.Fair Board and Officers

2.Department Chairmen

3.Fair Judges

    1. Rules Pertaining to Individual Departments and Activities Included
    2. Premiums Clearly Indicated, Including Danish System
    3. Admissions Charges and Pass Policy Listed
    4. Premium Payment Procedures Explained
    5. Fair Phone Number
    6. Map of Grounds Location and Layout
  1. Miscellaneous
    1. Use of Pictures from Prior Fairs
    2. Articles on New Fair Events and Attractions
    3. Articles on Fair HistoryWith your catalog submission, please provide for display, any promotional material that: your fair or festival may wish to exhibit. Example: hats, shirts, displays or photos of displays, and such. These are for display only and may be picked up after the judging for this category has occurred. This is an unsecure room while presentation and judging is in progress. So keep that in mind when displaying your items, be prepared to pickup promptly after display and judging those items you wish to retain. Exhibit room is locked after hours, but potential is there for items to go missing. Thanks for adding to the exhibit.
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