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KAFHS conducts four statewide pageant programs each year for fairs across the commonwealth.
  • Miss Kentucky County Fair as a part of our convention in January
  • Ms. Kentucky County Fair as a part of our convention in January
  • Mrs. Kentucky County Fair as a part of our convention in January
  • Miss Teen Kentucky County Fair on a free-standing date in October (with Miss Pre-Teen)
  • Miss Pre-Teen Kentucky County Fair on a free-standing date in October (with Miss Teen)
  • Little Miss and Mister Kentucky County Fair on the opening day of the Kentucky State Fair
In order to participate, the sponsoring organization must be a bona fide county fair, recognized by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture as eligible for state aid. The fairs dues and fees must be paid according to deadlines established by KAFHS. Complete rules, entry forms and names of past winners are available on this website under the "Pageants" button.
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