Beauty Pageant Rules

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Beauty Pageant Rules

Q1 Contestants must meet the deadline requirements established by KAFHS which can be found in the packet mailed to the sponsoring organization and/or contestant or on the website Candidates who fail to meet the deadlines will not be allowed to compete in the state pageant.

Q2 The final information packet will include information concerning prize money, special titles, apparel and other details of the pageant.

Q3 The contestant must be a natural born female, single, never married, never had a marriage annulled, and never had any children. A birth certificate is required.

Q4 Contestant must be 16 years of age on October 31, and cannot be 22 on October 31 of the year when local pageant is held at the local fair.

Q5 Contestants may not compete in any other pageant system that would prohibit the fulfillment of responsibilities through the state during her reign as Miss Kentucky County Fair.

Q6 Kentucky (KAFHS) its affiliates, volunteers are not to be held responsible in any way for disqualifications of winners and/or contestants. Grounds for disqualification can be BUT are not limited to, untrue statements or registration forms, misconduct, obscene, foul language, unruly/unbecoming behavior that on social media and/or the internet such as porn and any other reasons the pageant committee may deem as necessary. The board will make all decisions and they will be final.

Q7 Cameras, cell phones, IPad, and other electronic devices are not allowed backstage. Use of these electronic devices can disqualify any contestant during the pageant and such devices will be confiscated for the remainder of the pageant.

General Rules Applicable to All Pageant Programs

G1 In order to participate in pageant programs, a Fair Member desiring to enter a contestant must be a member of the Kentucky Association of Fairs and Horse Shows (KAFHS) and have paid all dues and pageant fees prior to the local pageant being held and be eligible for state aid through the Kentucky Department of Agriculture.

G2 A local Co. fair may conduct its local pageant by any rules or method they deem suitable to their particular situation, so long as the contestants selected to enter the KAFHSpageants meets the requirements set forth in these rules by said Association (KAFHS).

G3 No photo or internet contests / pageants are permitted for entry into any KAFHS state pageant program.

G4 Each local pageant must designate at least 30 days prior to the conduct of their pageant whether they have an open or closed contestant pageant and the date of such.

G5 A contestant must be a winner or runner-up in the local pageant.(Runner-up only accepted should for some reason the winner becomes ineligible or unable to attend.) A contestant can only represent one local fair and must represent the first local fair that they win first place in during the calendar year. (Local fairs are urged to not accept contestants who have won at a member show during that calendar year.) In the event a pageant winner has not met the deadline to enter the state pageant, a runner-up will not be accepted.

G6 The local Fair Board or sponsor is not responsible financially for transportation, room, and reserved seating or responsible for making such arrangements.Association (KAFHS) is not responsible for these aforementioned arrangements as well.

G7 Each member association shall designate one person to receive all correspondence from the association. It shall be that person’s responsibility to see that all rules, forms and other information is delivered to the appropriate person(s).

G8 Anyone winning a KAFHS state title is not eligible to compete in that pageant thereafter.

G9 Local fairs cannot accept contestants with out of state residence.

G10 Winners of KAFHS pageants are expected to attend the other three KAFHS pageant programs in the coming year.

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