Miss Teen

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Miss Teen

2024 Miss Teen Kentucky County Fair
Blair Gaddis

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The Miss Teen Kentucky County Fair Pageant will be held October 17 - 18, 2025 as a part of the association’s fall conference.

To compete on the local level, contestants must be 13 years of age on October 31 and cannot be 16 on October 31 of the year when the local pageant is held. A completed set of rules can be found below..

Local winners must meet the state guidelines established by KAFHS and may also need to meet other criteria established by the local fair.

Contestants winning on the local level must complete an online application in order to compete at the state level. The online application is the only means of entering the state contest.) The application can be found above and is due to be filed with KAFHS 30 days following the local fair (and, under no circumstances, regardless of the local pageant date) no later than October 1, 2025.

Friends and family of the contestant are encouraged to attend the state pageant. Tickets for the pageant may be purchased elsewhere on this site.

Contestants are advised to check with their local fair to see if a hotel room is included in their prize or if they need to make their own rooming arrangements for the pageant. A hotel reservation form can be found at Miss Teen & Preteen KY 2025

General questions about the pageant (paperwork, tickets, etc.) can be directed to our office at 270-378-1885 or info@kafs.net.Specific questions regarding wardrobe should be directed to Carol Jaggers at 270-723-0755 or email her at larryandcarol43@windstream.net

Miss Teen Co. Fair Rules

T1 The Miss Teen Kentucky Co. Fair Beauty Pageant will be held annually at the Fall Board of Directors meeting of the Association (KAFHS).

T2 Completed forms should be returned to the KAFHS Secretary within 30 days of the local pageant and must be received by October 1. No entries will be accepted after October 1. Contestants not meeting that deadline will not be allowed to compete in the state pageant and no runner up or substitute will be accepted.

T3 The information packet will include information concerning prize money, special titles, apparel and other details of the pageant. Once a candidate is registered, all information pertaining to wardrobe, scheduling, tickets, hotel accommodations and other information pertinent to the pageant will be send directly to the contestant.

T4 Contestant must be 13 years of age on October 31, and cannot be 16 on October 31 of the year when the local pageant is held at the local fair.

T5 An adult chaperone must stay in each hotel room with the contestant and an adult chaperone must be with each contestant at the time of Registration for the Miss Teen Kentucky Co. Fair Pageant.

General Rules Applicable to All Pageant Programs

G1 In order to participate in pageant programs, a Fair Member desiring to enter a contestant must be a member of the Kentucky Association of Fairs and Horse Shows (KAFHS) and have paid all dues and pageant fees prior to the local pageant being held and the fair must be eligible for state aid through the Kentucky Department of Agriculture.

G2 A local Co. fair may conduct its local pageant by any rules or method they deem suitable to their particular situation, so long as the contestants selected to enter the KAFHS pageants meets the requirements set forth in these rules by said Association (KAFHS).

G3 No photo or internet contests / pageants are permitted for entry into any KAFHS state pageant program.

G4 (Removed)

G5 A contestant must be a winner or runner-up in the local pageant.(Runner-up only accepted should for some reason the winner becomes ineligible or unable to attend.)A contestant can only represent one local fair and must represent the first local fair that they win first place in during the calendar year.(Local fairs are urged to not accept contestants who have won at a member show during that calendar year.)In the event a pageant winner has not met the deadline to enter the state pageant, a runner-up will not be accepted.

G6 The local Fair Board or sponsor is not responsible financially for transportation, room, and reserved seating or responsible for making such arrangements. Association (KAFHS) is not responsible for these aforementioned arrangements as well.

G7 Each fair shall designate one person to receive all correspondence from the Association. It shall be that person’s responsibility to see that all rules, forms and other information is delivered to the appropriate person(s).

G8 Anyone winning a KAFHS state title is not eligible to compete in that pageant thereafter.

G9 Local fairs are urged to not accept contestants with out of state residences.

G10 Winners of KAFHS pageants are expected to attend the other three KAFHS pageant programs in the coming year.

Entry Form Instructions

The form cannot be saved and revisited so it is advised that all the needed information be gathered in anticipation of completing the form in one sitting. Every field on the form is “required”, meaning it will not submit if a field is left blank.

We also require a birth certificate from contestants. In order to attach the birth certificate, you will need to scan it and store it on the computer you will be using to complete the application.

To access the form, visit our site at www.kafs.net, hover on the PAGEANTS button and scroll down to the MISS TEEN button, clicking on the button. A page featuring a photo of last year’s pageant winner appears. Scroll down to the blue bar below the photo and click on the REGISTER button at the right.

When the form appears, fill in each field. Please use upper and lower case, correct spelling and grammar.

At the point where it asks for the birth certification, you will need to find it in your storage and OPEN it so the name of the file appears in the window.

Read the “terms and conditions” and AGREE TO them.

Click the “I am not a Robot” and SUBMIT button.

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