The 2026 Mrs. Kentucky County Fair Pageant will be held January, 2026 at the Galt House Hotel, Louisville. You can make reservations at the Galt House Hotel or by using the link, that will be provided on this site closer to the time of the pageant.
The discounted rate is valid until December 9th, 2024.
Reservation Link: that your pageant application and birth certificate must be filed with KAFHS prior to the deadline of December 1, 2025 in order for you to compete in the January 2026 pageant. Other rules and regulations can also be found on this site.
What to Bring:
1. Attire for Opening/Personal Introduction will be Cocktail attire - may be dress, pantsuit, jumpsuit, top and slacks. Shoes of choice.
2. Attire for Evening Gown segment of competition. Gown of choice with no low cuts (must be modest) and slit no higher than mid-thigh. Shoes of choice.
Contestant Registration
Thursday 3-4 pm, Lobby, 1st Floor
Contestants will be registered for the pageant on the First Floor of the Galt House Suites Tower between 3 and 4pm. They'll be asked to give their room number to the Committee in case they need to be contacted. The contestants will also pick up any information needed and a T-Shirt that will be worn for Friday morning rehearsal.
Contestant/Committee Meeting
Thursday, 4-5 pm, Location TBD
On Thursday at 4pm, each contestant is invited to an informational meeting in the location TBD to explain procedures, directions, and time frames related to the pageant. Attend this meeting to meet the committee and other contestants. All questions regarding the pageant will be answered at this time.
Friday, 9:00-10:30 am, Ballroom, 2nd Floor
No one is permitted in the room except pageant contestants and Mrs./Ms. Pageant Committee members.
Casual Dress, Encouraged to wear your t-shirts
Bring Heels for Practice
Pageant Walk-Through
Vote for Mrs./Ms. Congeniality
Dressing Room
Friday, 5 pm, TBD
Contestants must report to Dressing Room by 5 pm. Once they've received initial assistance in transporting the "necessities" to the dressing room, only contestants and committee members are permitted in the back stage/dressing room area. Absolutely no cell phones are permitted.
Come dressed in your Opening number attire and must be in dressing room no later than 5:30 pm and pageant will start promptly at 6 pm. All contestants must remain backstage and in evening gowns until winners are announced.
Friday, 6 pm., Grand Ballroom, 2nd Floor
Judging Criteria
Opening/Introduction, 20%
Cocktail Attire, 40%
Evening Gown, 40%
Mrs. Contestants chosen for the Top Finalists will be asked an On-Stage Question. Highest scorer will be the winner.
A 4th Runner-up, 3rd Runner-up, 2nd Runner-up, 1st Runner-up and Mrs. Congeniality will be chosen from the Mrs. Contestants. There will also be a Winner of the People's Choice.
All contestants must remain backstage and in evening gowns until winners are announced.
Other NotesNo electronic devices are allowed in the pageant hall at any time. Cell phones found in dressing room will be confiscated and will result in disqualification from participating in the pageant.
Linda Thomas is chairman of the pageant committee, with Alison Holland Co-Chair. That committee oversees the general conduct of the pageant including wardrobe, rules, staging, judges, etc. If you feel it is absolutely necessary to inquire about something in this area, Linda can be contacted at 270-735-6054 or or Alison Holland at 270-779-5222,
Beth Odle is the secretary for the Association and is responsible for the pageant paperwork, ticket sales, memberships, etc. If you need to question anything in these areas, you can reach Beth at 270-590-0855 or
Members of the Mrs./Ms. Beauty Pageant Committee include:
Linda Thomas, Chair
Alison Holland, Co-Chair
Rebecca Cash
Jill Downey
Tosha Flatt
Michelle Goodman
Tami Hart
Amy Haynes
Shelli Keesee
Amy Loyall
Jenny Marshall
DeLana McClung
Dana Moore
Michele Parmley